Here again, just updating what I have been doing. From the blog before, I have so far:
1) Load Raspbian onto it.
Ran transmission, samba and mediatomb off it. Find the USB harddisk access will crash with cache write error, after a period of time (usually days) and will keep doing this is shorter and shorter period. Check the disk (ext4) and it say it is clean. Use the same disk on my Zotac under Linux and it is fine. I think this is a Raspberry Pi issue, may be usb related (may be firmware, as Raspbmc has the same issue). So far I have updated to the latest firmware and bleeding edge kernel, but makes no different.
2) Load up Raspbmc.
First impression was really good, well done Sam! Although it suffer the same usb harddisk issue, as I turn on upnp server. Just updated it to RC4, so far looks really cool. The only real quibble I have is during installation, DO NOT plug a keyboard in! It seem that it has a hard time resetting the keyboard and will not finish the installation. After it has completed the installation, then it will detect the keyboard properly. I don't know if anybody else have the same experience, but here's my two cent on installation. So the next thing is to get a remote working. The Android remote works real good, but it would be nicer if I can get my aftermarkert PS3 remote working.
On the thoughts on what I really want to use the Raspi for, I beginning to have some reservation on it. I do understand it is a WIP and there are certain design feature/bugs that may have to live with (1.8v reg. making the Ethernet chip hot). So if I am looking for something that can be use for production, I might have to look else where.
Now something I really like to have is Android/Linux on the our main TV, in fact I would like Linux on just about everything and everywhere! Today your TV, tomorrow the world! So may be something like this will fit:
But this is for another bolg.
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